NIHD 2020 Site Banner

What to Bring


Packing List

  • Causal, modest, comfortable clothes

  • Modest one-piece swimwear

  • Pool towel

  • Pad for sitting on in ampitheatre

  • Flashlight for night hike

  • Sunscreen

  • Bug repellent 

  • Water bottle with your name on it 

  • Laptop

  • 3-ring binder that is at least 1 inch wide

  • Printed casebook

  • Bible

Dress Code

The dress code is casual; no tournament attire required!

Casual clothing is appropriate for all camp sessions. Most campers will wear jeans, shorts, t-shirts, or tank tops. Wear comfortable walking shoes, sandals, or flip flops. Bring clothes that you can get wet or dirty in for game time (i.e. ultimate frisbee or water balloon toss).

We expect all campers to respect a dress code of general modesty at all times. Shorts should be no shorter than where your fingertips reach; skirts and slits should be no shorter than two inches above the knee. Tank top straps should be at least two fingers wide. Please do not bring tops that are tight, see-through, low-cut, or that reveal bare midriffs.

Do NOt Bring

  • Please DO NOT BRING electronic/video games

  • Please DO NOT BRING immodest clothing