Parli protocol


First Friday of each month at 12:00pm pst



First Friday of the month at 12:00PM PST - 1:00PM PST.

Imagine that you are sitting in on a session of the British Parliament at work. It is a rather hectic sight. There is knocking, shouting, interrupting, and it all combines to make a very animated governmental debate. Now imagine that you took the exciting elements of the British Parliament and you put some more rules and structure into it. You would get high school Parliamentary Debate, or Parli. Once a month Coach Griffith will cover the format of Parli, how to structure Parli cases for fact, value, and policy resolutions, how to effectively research during prep time, how to handle motions, and how to win on opposition. We will also spend time analyzing rounds, potential resolutions, and real world arguments. Students will have the opportunity for practice rounds!

Cost: $149/fall or $249/year ($175/spring)
Fall 2024 Dates: September 6, October 4, November 1, December 6

Please note, the class schedule may be adapted in the event that class times conflict with major tournaments.

Note: If the class receives low registration this class may be cancelled or changed. In the event that it is cancelled you will be fully refunded.