Register by December 9th, 2024 at 11:59pm PST with code SPRING25 to save $50 off your class registrations!
Advanced Lincoln douglas with griffith vertican
What: This class is for students looking to win at the highest level. This class will focus on how to become a top Lincoln Douglas debater and improve your LD debate skills. It will train students in skills including how to write better cases and applications, better use of evidence and cross-examination, and voting issues that work well with your cases. This class will focus on the acquisition of knowledge and following resolutions. Click here for more info!
NOTE: Even if you cannot make the class time, recordings will be available to all class attendees
Resolved: The acquisition of knowledge is an intrinsic good.
Who: Griffith Vertican
When: Tuesdays at 11:00am PST
Quarter Cost (6 classes): $249 per student
Spring Semester Cost (16 classes): $379 per student
Full Year Cost (29 Classes): $649 per student
Note: If there are less than four students registered, this class may be cancelled and you will be refunded.
Ultimate Lincoln Douglas
What: This class is for students looking to win at the highest level. This class will focus on how to become a top Lincoln Douglas debater and improve your LD debate skills. It will train students in skills including how to write better cases and applications, better use of evidence and cross-examination, and voting issues that work well with your cases. This class will focus on the acquisition of knowledge and following resolutions. Click here for more info!
NOTE: Even if you cannot make the class time, recordings will be available to all class attendees
Resolved: The acquisition of knowledge is an intrinsic good.
Who: Griffith Vertican
When: Every other Monday night at 6pm PST
Spring Semester Cost: $249 per student
Stoa team policy
What: This year’s class will have a major focus on evidence, including cutting better evidence, having more evidence, and effective ways to attack evidence. Furthermore, this class will help students gain a competitive advantage by examining top cases and arguments they are likely to hit at tournaments. We’ll discuss negative strategies, and develop cross-ex questions so that students are as prepared as possible for success on the new topic. This class will focus on the new healthcare policy resolution. Click here for more info!
NOTE: Even if you cannot make the class time, recordings will be available to all class attendees
Resolved: The United States Federal Government should substantially reform its policy on healthcare.
Who: Griffith Vertican
When: Wednesdays at 1:00pm PST
Quarter Cost (6 classes): $249 per student
Spring Semester Cost (16 classes): $379 per student
Full Year Cost (29 Classes): $649 per student
Note: If there are less than four students registered, this class may be cancelled and you will be refunded.
Debate 101: intro to competitive and academic debate
What: This class will be comprised of introduction material to Lincoln Douglas and Team Policy Debate, specifically for students brand new to each of these formats. If you are looking for quality instruction to get a head start on your understanding of debate, this is the place for you! Learn the basics from the nation’s best. Click here for more info.
NOTE: Even if you cannot make the class time, recordings will be available to all class attendees
Who: Griffith Vertican
When: Mondays at 1:00pm PST
Spring Semester Cost: $299 per student
Full Year Cost: $449 per student
Note: If there are a low number of registrants, this class may be rescheduled or cancelled and you will be refunded in the event that it is cancelled.
speech with griffith vertican
What: Taught by Extemporaneous champion Coach Griffith Vertican, this class will focus on all Limited Prep events including Extemporaneous, Apologetics, Mars Hill, and Impromptu as well as the Platform events including Original Oratory, Persuasive, and Expository. Throughout the semester special guest appearances will be made by Coach Charis Baker to dive into Interpretive speech events! Click here for more info!
NOTE: Even if you cannot make the class time, recordings will be available to all class attendees
Who: Griffith Vertican
When: Fridays at 2:00pm PST
Quarter Cost (6 classes): $249 per student
Spring Semester Cost (16 classes): $379 per student
Full Year Cost (29 Classes): $649 per student
Note: If there are less than four students registered, this class may be cancelled and you will be refunded.
Parli protocol: once a month
What: Once a month Coach Griffith will cover the format of Parli, how to structure Parli cases for fact, value, and policy resolutions, how to effectively research during prep time, how to handle motions, and how to win on opposition. We will also spend time analyzing rounds, potential resolutions, and real world arguments. Click here for more info!
NOTE: Even if you cannot make the class time, recordings will be available to all class attendees
Who: Griffith Vertican
When: First Friday of the month at 12:00pm PST
Spring Semester Cost: $149 per student
Full Year Cost: $249 per student
Note: If there are less than four students registered, this class may be cancelled and you will be refunded.
About Griffith Vertican
Griffith is a licensed Attorney, the 2007 NPDA National Champion, and one of the most successful coaches in Stoa, having coached for 15+ years. He sits on the Stoa debate committee, where he has served for several years. He's coached several different national champions in all three forms of debate, and the 2018, 2019, 2021, 2022, and 2024 LD national champions were all his students.