Speech Class



Fall Semester: September 13, 2024 - December 13, 2024
Semester Cost: $349/student
Quarter Cost (first 6 weeks):

Spring Semester: Dates TBA
Cost: $379/spring semester

Full Year Cost: $649/student

Taught by Extemporaneous champion Coach Griffith Vertican, this class will focus on all Limited Prep events including Extemporaneous, Apologetics, Mars Hill, and Impromptu as well as the Platform events including Original Oratory, Persuasive, and Expository. Throughout the semester special guest appearances will be made by Coach Charis Baker to dive into Interpretive speech events!

Scheduling: We will take off the weeks of major tournaments including the Prolific Prologue (Oct 10-11), Veritas Veterans Day Challenge (Nov 11), and C4 (TBA). In order to make up for these weeks, on the preceding week we will double up class time with a two-hour session. Coach Griff will provide more details as the week approaches.

Note: If the class receives low registration this class may be cancelled or changed. In the event that it is cancelled you will be fully refunded.