"I heard great teaching-practical and foundational; yet, so rich in info it really would suffice the advanced debater.
Not only was the content outstanding, but the delivery was always engaging and funny but far from boring.
I heard moms say they have a better understanding of what debate is all about and the details of how-to. They see how debate can benefit their child in many ways.
I saw the kids get inspired-by the looks on their faces and the level of participation-it was evident that they had hope of debating well. They are already thinking about this upcoming season. They are brain-storming ways to fundraiser to go to the San Diego camp!
I have heard of deep conversations between parents and their children after the POME and Defy the Lies talks. A mom said her son began to talk about some of the things Griffith taught regarding The Last of the Mohicans. Another mom told me that through the week, her boys were heard talking and would often say, 'That is what Coach Griff would say,' or 'Coach Griff talked about that.' These boys saw someone who talked with them-someone serious about following God in the area of purity and the girls saw a new standard in relationships. They were given statistics of how science is upholding what the Bible has said all along and they heard practical ways of guarding their purity. Parents were challenged to be in theirs children's FACE so that the world will not deceitfully draw their hearts away.
I am sure there is much more fruit that will come forth from the seeds that were sown last week. Thank you so much for coming to Georgia and for pouring out yourself unashamedly and whole-heartedly for these families! May God continue to bless you and your ministry!"
— Jennifer Brisendine
"I went to the NIHD camp in GA the first year I was going to debate and it was a great experience.
As someone who knew very little about debate, I participated in the team policy novice track and was able to learn so much about the fundamentals of debate.
The lectures, handouts, research times, and practice rounds were all key parts in preparing me for my first season of team policy debate. The preparation from NIHD camp jumpstarted the season for my partner and me by giving us knowledge not just on how to debate but also the topic for that season. This put us months ahead of people who did not attend. My partner and I went on to have a great first season, earning multiple checkmarks, winning a tournament and qualifying to NITOC. The next summer I went back to NIHD camp and was once again thoroughly prepared to start the season successfully; we got 1st and 2nd place in parli and team policy respectively, at the first tournament with 20+ teams the following November. The coaches, particularly Coach Griffith Vertican and Brandon Winchel, have been tremendously helpful. They are extremely experienced not only as debaters themselves but also at translating their skills into coaching others. Their coaching and the NIHD camp were key in helping my partner and me have another great year of debate, qualifying to NITOC again, and, after breaking multiple times, taking 29th place in team policy and 4th place in parliamentary debate.
I definitely recommend NIHD camp. Whether you know nothing about debate or have lots of experience in debate, it will jumpstart your season."
— Shayna Seidel
"Speech and Debate is one of the most important life skills one can possibly learn.
From religious beliefs to political opinions, our ability to communicate is vital to being able to persuasively articulate ideas and defend what we believe.
Starting July 15th, you will have an opportunity to further your Speech and Debate skills at the 6th Annual National Institute for Homeschool Debate camp! I have attended this camp for the past 4 years, and can truly say that it has immensely helped further my public speaking and debate skills, as well as make lifelong friends. The Debate Camp helps students learn how to improve their communication skills in an exciting and fun manner, and I would highly recommend it to high-school students.
Trust me, you won’t regret it!!
— Brandon winchel, ranked #1 TP DEBATER IN 2013
"The National Institute for Homeschool Debate has been invaluable to my success in debate.
NIHD helped me to establish a solid basis in debate theory, further my understanding of the current resolution and excel as a communicator.
From personal coaching by experienced alumni and coaches to lectures on debating with integrity, NIHD has it all. At NIHD, you will learn how to be a step above everyone else in speaking, strategy and character.
After that week, you will never debate the same."
"During that entire week and the other two I spent there over the next couple years, I learned and grew in so many ways:
I got older, and with that I grew wiser, more confident and more Godly; I even became a much better debater. I didn't just learn how to debate behind a podium, though, because the camp experience teaches you to become a better communicator and contender for the Faith.
NIHD took a thirteen-year-old-girl, and with the incredible faculty, amazing group leaders, beautiful worship, awesome lectures, fantastic competition, and indescribable fellowship, turned me into a varsity debater much more ready to face the world."
"The National Institute for Home School Debate provided me with solid foundational skills for competition in Stoa and the NCFCA.
The camp offered a wide variety of fascinating lectures, with topics ranging from attorney cross examination skills to strategic use of humor, and allowed me to choose the lectures that interested me most.
As if that wasn’t enough, the NIHD provided a full length practice tournament, a learning experience I never received at any other camp. Although I valued the camp’s structure, I appreciated the faculty even more. From day one, Coach Vertican and his staff welcomed me into the community, helped teach me research skills, and gave me a new appreciation for debate. The student leaders offered valuable feedback during warm up rounds, and researched a wide variety of topics ahead of time, in order to prepare us with evidence.
The NIHD provides the setting for some of my fondest high school debate memories, and I highly recommend it to any debater, whether a novice or a seasoned veteran.”
"I competed in Speech and Debate for 4 years in high school. My senior year I finally gained success,
winning 3 tournaments in Lincoln Douglas debate, 4 consecutive tournaments in Persuasive speaking including the National Championship, and ending the year as the number 1 ranked Lincoln Douglas debater and Persuasive speaker in the nation.
God deserves all of the glory for this, but of the many people he used to help me get there none deserves more credit than my former debate coach and great friend, Griffith Vertican.
I absolutely could not have achieved what I did without the expert training of Coach Griffith. He was the 2007 NPDA National Parliamentary Collegiate Debate Champion, and his passion for teaching his students mixed with his unparalleled skill in persuasive debating combine for the best possible learning experience. Not only that but you, like me, will gain a role model in Griffith, as his life strongly reflects his commitment to following God. In addition to Coach Griffith, there are also several other National Champions teaching at the camp including Team Policy Champion Stephen Roe, Lincoln Douglas Champion Chase Harrington, myself, and many more.
I can say with confidence that if you’ll attend The National Institute for Homeschool Debate your debating and speaking skills will increase exponentially, regardless of your current level.
In short, you’ll get the best teachers, the best training, and the best value. If you attend this camp you won’t regret it!!"
"This debate camp has been so helpful for me me in the two years I attended.
I attended in Team Policy one year, which really helped me come into the season stronger than just any other novice.
I felt more confident due to what I learned, and benefitted greatly. The following year I attended in Lincoln-Douglas, which has been very much invaluable to my career as an LDer. Overall, camp is super fun and enormously beneficial. I strongly recommend it. Great people, great teaching, and an overall great time that is sure to help in competition.
But more than anything, the environment of people who want to help you grow both spiritually and in debate is quite wonderful.
"Attending the National Institute for Homeschool Debate was one of the best ways I could have possibly prepared for debate during my senior year;
I would not have been half as prepared for the season without it.
Between the camp's energetic coaching staff and terrific opportunities for practice rounds (and the fact that you're in wonderful Southern California), I'd happily recommend this for anyone, whether you're in your first year or your last."