NVDC Ballot Image

 Sponsorship Levels


While we are very excited to provide this competition opportunity to our students, we are also excited about the opportunities it provides for educational sponsors. We believe that sponsoring the National Virtual Debate Championship will be advantageous for educational organizations and institutions, and those benefits are included in three different sponsor levels:


$200 Bronze Sponsor Level

  • Listing on our prize page

  • Verbal thank you during the tournament

  • We ask for at least three prizes/scholarships to add to the prize page

  • We’ll need a 300x300 logo that we can use for promotional purposes


$400 Silver Sponsor Level

Plus All Bronze Benefits

  • Listing and link to sponsor’s site on our sponsor page

  • Mention in an email to all students

  • We ask for at least three prizes/scholarships to add to the prize page

  • We’ll need a 300x300 logo that we can use for promotional purposes


$750 Gold Sponsor Level

Plus all Bronze & Silver Benefits

  • Listing on our tournament’s main home page

  • Mention on our social media accounts

  • Promotional message during our awards ceremony

  • Providing prizes/scholarships is optional

  • We’ll need a 300x300 logo that we can use for promotional purposes


As a $750 Gold Sponsor, you would receive all of the benefits included above. These would be provided during the duration of the Championship, from April 28th-May 2nd, as well as in the weeks leading up to it as we promote and as people register. Click below to get in touch.