Act of Valor

How to Register


Registration Opens Monday, March 8 at Noon.

Registration will be done on this website,, and not Flowpad! You won’t see a registration link until registration opens, but not to worry - if you’re here, you’re on the right website! The link will appear below the “Last Act of Valor” title in the menu.

One Form Per Student

SUPER IMPORTANT! The first form you get while registering is a per-student form! You'll fill this out for each student you register.

Adjust the Quantity for Multiple Events

Kids with multiple events? Adjust the quantity to 1 and the Number of Debate Events/Number of Speech Events to the events they are participating in. Otherwise, the website will only charge you for one event and you’ll have an outstanding balance!

Adding Other Students

To add another student, complete this form (their registration will go into your cart, top right) and go back to the registration page to repeat the process.

Checking Out

  1. Adjust for the number of events and finish filling out a student’s registration form (it will go away and you’ll be at the same registration page)

  2. Enter as many students as you need this way

  3. When you’re ready to pay, scroll up to the top right corner of the website - you'll see the cart, where all those registrations have been going! Click there to finish the payment part of registration.

Speech Discount

Speech pricing is $20/event and 20% off 4 or more events.

This discount will automatically be applied at checkout!