Parli Resolutions
Resolved: By the end of 2020 more people will die from the draconian state measures in response to COVID-19 than those who die directly from the virus
Resolved: The USFG should require the owner(s) of Fortnite to raise the minimum age certificate to 18
Resolved: Muslims will be the majority of the population in France within 40 years
Resolved: Teenagers’ addiction to smartphones is a greater threat to their health than illegal drugs
Resolved: Extradition of Carlos Ghosn back to Japan would be an injustice
Resolved: The United States should have boycotted the 1936 Olympics
Round 3
Resolved: SCOTUS should rule that the use of drones by the police without a warrant is a violation of the 4th Amendment
Resolved: Joe Biden is Bernie Sanders-lite
Resolved: The United States Federal Government should substantially increase space weaponization
Round 4
Resolved: In 2024 the first woman will be elected President of the United States
Resolved: The United States Congress should grant new powers to the FCC so it can begin regulating Netflix
Resolved: The Star Wars franchise has had a greater cultural impact on America than the Marvel Cinematic Universe
Round 5
Resolved: The mainstream media is the largest purveyor of #fakenews
Resolved: In the case of COVID-19, the USFG ought to value economic security over public health
Resolved: The year is 2032. The Electoral College has been abolished and AOC has just been elected president of the United States. Her first three executive orders are to implement the Green New Deal, population control, and mandatory vaccination. While those orders will be legally challenged, there is no guarantee SCOTUS will strike them down. You are Dan Crenshaw, the leader of the opposition party, and you have the support of the majority of the U.S. military. You have two choices: either wait for six months in the hopes that the court will act or choose to fight now by launching a coup d'état. You choose to fight.
Round 6
Resolved: This house would forbid Western tech companies from accepting Chinese terms and preconditions in order to access the Chinese market (e.g. Google accepting censorship, Apple moving its servers to China, etc.)
Resolved: Tesla is one of the most overrated companies in America
Resolved: This house would prefer anarchy to an Orwellian police state
Resolved: Resolved: The #Metoo movement has lost significant credibility over its failure to back Tara Reade’s allegations against Joe Biden
Resolved: The USFG should substantially increase support for securing Pakistan’s nuclear weapons
Resolved: Transhumanism is the world’s most dangerous idea
Resolved: The United States Supreme Court should overrule Lemon v. Kurtzman
Resolved: By the end of 2020, it is more likely than not that either Ben Shapiro, Matt Resolved: Walsh, or Coach Griffith will be arrested for violating California’s lockdown rules that infringe on their 1st, 2nd, or 4th amendment rights
Resolved: The United States is more likely to engage in a second Civil War before it engages in World War III
Resolved: Jack Bauer’s use of torture to gain time-sensitive information while facing exigent circumstances is morally justifiable
Resolved: The USFG ought to enact a policy to significantly restrict advancements in biomedical engineering
Resolved: Millennials’ machiavellian fear of President Trump is more fiction than fact
Resolved: Civil disobedience is a morally appropriate response to the indefinite detention of California residents
Resolved: The end of America is more likely to come about because of corruption from within than invasion from without
Resolved: The USFG should significantly increase military deterrence with China
Resolved: The USFG should enact a policy to reduce incarceration rates by offering nonviolent offenders the option to serve their sentence by having a tracking biochip installed underneath the skin
Resolved: Disney+ ought to include the Disney movie Song of the South as a movie choice on its streaming service
Resolved: You are Jason Bourne. You have tracked down the elusive warlord Joseph Kony, and have him in the sights of your sniper rifle. Kony is guilty of recruiting, abducting, and using 30,000 children in armed conflict in Uganda. Efforts to capture Kony have been unfruitful. In this instance, you believe that assassination is morally justifiable. Resolved: Take the shot.