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Types of Debate

There are three types of debate. Here’s what each means.


Team Policy debate, often abbreviated as TP, asks competitors to develop and defend competing policy options to address contemporary problems. The purpose of Team Policy debate is to instill in Christian home school students the skills of presentation, critical thinking, research, and policy analysis. In this type of debate, teams debate a governmental policy resolution. This mandatory topic is announced at the beginning of each year.

The teams are made up of two debaters each. Students will learn to debate on both sides of the resolution. One side is called Affirmative, the other is called Negative. One affirms the resolution, the other opposes the affirming team's case and usually defends the current policy.

During registration for this camp, you may sign up with a partner for the week or have the camp assign one to you for your debate practice times.


Lincoln Douglas, often abbreviated as LD, is value debate. A Lincoln Douglas debate examines competing value systems to answer big questions. The purpose of Lincoln Douglas value debate is to instill in Christian home school students the skills of presentation, critical thinking, research, and value analysis. The value resolution (topic) is announced at the beginning of each year.

Each team is made up of one person. The focus of this type of debate is to argue what virtue should be valued more highly in society. Students will learn to debate on the affirmative side as well as the negative side of the resolution.


Parliamentary debate, often abbreviated as Parli, is an extemporaneous form of debate with rotating topics (or resolutions). A Parliamentary debate asks competitors to develop and defend ideas and positions on a wide range of issues. The purpose of Parliamentary debate is to instill in Christian home school students the skills of presentation, critical thinking, reasoning, and analysis of various issues.

The teams are made up for two debaters each. One side is called Government, the other is called Opposition. One affirms the resolution for the round, the other opposes the resolution.

During registration for this camp, you may sign up with a partner for the week or have the camp assign one to you for your debate practice times.



Levels of Instruction

NIHD offers seven unique tracks of instruction. Here’s the breakdown.


Novice TP

Students will receive instruction in the fundamentals of policy debate. Special attention is given to stock issues, structure, verbal, and nonverbal communication. Resolution specific sessions will educate students on the new Stoa resolution for the 2021-2022 season. Practice debates within their level will help them break the ice.

Open TP

This track will focus on topical research and argument development. Students will be encouraged to stretch their argument arsenal during practice debates. Topicality, counterplans, kritiques and other advanced strategies will be addressed. Resolution specific sessions will educate students on specific case areas and how to debate both sides.

Novice LD

Students will receive instruction in the fundamentals of Lincoln Douglas debate. Students will develop verbal and nonverbal competencies in this track. Resolution specific sessions will educate students on the new Stoa resolution for the 2021-2022 season. Practice debates within their level will help them break the ice.

Students will learn both the fundamentals and advanced strategies of value debating. In addition to a focus on case construction, argumentation theory and case-specific responses will be developed. Resolution specific sessions will educate students on specific case areas and how to debate both sides.


Students will have access to Parli specific lectures covering preparation, argument, and side-specific strategy. In addition to this, they will compete in Parli practice debates throughout the camp.


This phenomenal speech track led by nationally recognized speech coaches is designed for both new and advanced students in all acting, platform, and limited prep events.


Parents or coaches may attend any of the above tracks. In addition, we will have some coaching specific sessions taught by faculty members. Another goal of our camp is to equip parents and coaches to continue assisting their students after camp is over. In the Parent/Coach track, we provide special lectures that will help new coaches with tricks of the trade for bringing excellence to your team. In addition, you are given access to the same high quality lectures that the students attend each day. You are free to pick which lectures will best prepare you to help prepare them! We also teach judging philosophy and give an orientation.

Parent Coach