Act of Valor Banner

Essential Details

April 7, 2021 - April 10, 2021


An in-person, NITOC qualifying speech and debate tournament in Crestline, California!


Twin Peaks Christian Conference Center, 26409 CA-189, Twin Peaks, CA 92391

See location details here!

Events Offered

Team Policy Debate, Lincoln Douglas Debate, Parliamentary Debate, Speech


Act of Valor will use the Team Policy and Lincoln Douglas resolutions from Stoa’s 2020-21 competitive season.

TEAM POLICY: Resolved: The United States Federal Government should considerably decrease its military commitments.

LINCOLN DOUGLAS: Resolved: Economic stability is more important than economic growth.

Registration Cost

Debate: $55/event

Speech: $20/event and 20% off 4 or more events

This discount will automatically be applied at checkout!

Registration Deadline

One week after registration open. Registration opens Monday, March 8th at 12:00 PM PST.

Refund POlicy

No refunds after registration closes.


Meal plans from the Conference Center will be available. Find more information here.