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Judging Mechanics

This online tournament will use simplified electronic ballots, which judges can fill out digitally and submit remotely.

Judges will be automatically assigned to rounds, so it is critical that judges share their full conflict list as well as any schedule conflicts they have with any of the rounds. To see the schedule, click here.

Judges will want to make sure their technology is working and that they are familiar with it ahead of time. The tournament will use the Zoom platform for each round, so judges will need to be able to use Zoom as well as students. The best way to get familiar with Zoom is to create a free personal account and practice test calls ahead of time. To create a free Zoom account, click here.


Judging Requirements

For each event in which a student is registered, a parent must commit to judging 4 rounds. While this is higher than the common requirement, it is necessary due to the lack of community judges.

If a student advances, their parent will be responsible for judging additional elimination rounds.

Judges should be available and present 15 minutes before the round.

Important note: Students may register for all three forms of debate, but this would require parents to judge 12 preliminary rounds total.


opt OUt Option

There are a limited number of opportunities for parents to opt out of judging a round by paying the additional price listed below. This money will be used to compensate an alumni debater for judging in the parent’s stead.

Team Policy: $35 per round

Lincoln Douglas: $25 per round

Parli: $25 per round


Missed Rounds

No Show Fee

If a judge fails to be present to judge a round they have committed to judging, there will be an additional fee, listed below. This fee will be used to compensate an alumni judge waiting on standby.

Team Policy Fee: $45 per round missed

Lincoln Douglas Fee: $35 per round missed

Parli Fee: $35 per round missed

The ability to depend on the timeliness of both judges and teams is essential in an online context to ensure that the tournament runs smoothly and on time. 

If a judge misses more than one round, the team they are judging for may be disqualified from the tournament.

Competitors, please ensure that the judges you register are able to meet the judging requirement for you to compete!


Volunteer to Judge

If you don’t have any students competing in the NVDC but would like to judge, we can use all the help we can get!

Simply fill out the registration form below.