Note on Student Participation:
Students cannot register in both TP and LD. They may register for either and add Parli.
Parliamentary Debate
Parliamentary debate is an extemporaneous form of debate with rotating topics. A Parliamentary debate asks competitors to develop and defend ideas and positions on a wide range of issues. The purpose of Parliamentary debate is to instill in Christian home school students the skills of presentation, critical thinking, reasoning, and analysis of various issues. That endeavor is accomplished in an environment of honorable competition that cultivates maturity, wisdom, grace, poise, and brings glory to our Lord Jesus Christ.
Team Policy Debate
A Team Policy debate asks competitors to develop and defend competing policy options to address contemporary problems. The purpose of Team Policy debate is to instill in Christian home school students the skills of presentation, critical thinking, research, and policy analysis. That endeavor is accomplished in an environment of honorable competition that cultivates maturity, wisdom, grace, poise, and brings glory to our Lord Jesus Christ.
Lincoln Douglas Debate
Lincoln Douglas is value debate. A Lincoln Douglas debate examines competing value systems to answer big questions. The purpose of Lincoln Douglas value debate is to instill in Christian home school students the skills of presentation, critical thinking, research, and value analysis. That endeavor is accomplished in an environment of honorable competition that cultivates maturity, wisdom, grace, poise, and brings glory to our Lord Jesus Christ.
Speech patterns listed here.
Events Inlcuded
Dramatic Interpretation
Duo Interpretation
Humorous Interpretation
Mars Hill
Open Interpretation
Oratory Analysis
Original Oratory
Novice Impromptu*
* Ages 10-18, not a NITOC-qualifying event
Round 1: Category 3
Round 2: Category 4
Final: Category 5
Mars Hill Impromptu
Round 1: Classic Music Lyrics
Round 2: The Arts
Final: Novels, Narratives, & Non-Fiction